Tywyn Baptist Church

Connecting our communities to Christ - by God’s love.

Be-Loved Ladies Conference
The Potters Hand

Saturday 12th October 2024, 9:30am - 6pm at Tywyn Baptist Church

Voluntary donation of £5 on arrival

This is a one-day event held at Tywyn Baptist Church.

Ladies, you are invited to come and be apart of our conference 2024
This year the team will be sharing and teaching how we can go from brokenness to wholeness.
How God is the Potter and we are His clay.
Regardless of our condition, the Potter never gives up on us.
No one is too far gone or too broken that God can’t rescue or heal.

Come and hear what the Lord has prepared for you.
There will be worship, teaching, life-stories and dramas. Time for reflection and prayer with our amazing support prayer ministry team.
Food, goodies and other treats throughout the day.
Join other ladies in their walk of faith, raise your voices as one, join together and grow deeper in fellowship.
Lets give all our adoration and praise to Almighty God – The Potter.

Conference Outline:

Guests speaker:
Yvonne Hall sharing her life-story

Plus TBC speakers Julia Walker & Kate Hamilton

Charity - Open doors, please bring you gift to support this cause

Register for this years conference